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Areas of expertise

Experience. Excellence. Efficiency.

Areas of expertise

real estate law

Inheritance Law

Contract Law

Health Law

prédio de apartamentos
Image by Paico Oficial
Contract Paper Signing

• Analysis, preparation and review of real estate contracts.

• Purchase and sale, donation, lease, exchange and usufruct contracts.
• Regularization of real estate.
• Real Estate Due Diligence.

• Real estate development.

• Registry and notarial demands.

• Judicial inventory.

• Inventory  extrajudicial.
• Succession / Testament planning.

• Single donation or with  enjoyment.

• Tax declaration.

• Analysis, preparation and review  of contracts. 
• Lawsuit.
• Early protection.
• Reversal of the burden of proof.
• Special civil court.
• Civil court.

• Contract analysis.

Plans of  health.

Judicial and extrajudicial proceedings.

• Advocacy for health professionals.

how can we  help you?

Online consultation

Through the consultation you can take all your  doubts and  get to know the possibilities of solving a problem within a few minutes and also  without leaving home!  

Before giving the  next step, it is important that you check  what are your rights.

Consultations are carried out online and by video through the Zoom or Teams platform.

After hiring, you will receive the link in your email  to enter the consultation, as well as  the date and time information that was stamped.


Forget the queue at notary offices or crowded waiting rooms and hours to be  serviced! This entire process is carried out by the advisory service in the most detailed, quick and efficient way.

You will receive all the documentation you need practically without leaving your home or your company.

Be it an Inventory, buy and sell or  Incorporation of a building, among other demands, there is a huge list of documents that need to be collected in departments such as city hall and notary office, so to facilitate all this bureaucracy, leave it to legal counsel.

Court lawsuits

Judicial representation is  necessary and very important in all cases.

Even if the conflict is already in court, it still  there is time to seek a consensual, faster and more efficient solution for the parties.

However, the agreement is not always the best option, in this case, the work in legal proceedings is done in an efficient, detailed and in search of greater speed in the proceedings  through proceedings in the courts.  

In urgent cases, we work with the request for advance protection with an obligation to do or not do it, depending on each situation.  

got some  doubt? Click on "contact" and send me your question!

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